Women's Foxtail Coffee Meet-up



Mark your calendars for the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM for Central Ladies coffee meet-ups at Foxtail Coffee. This is a great time to form new relationships and grow connections with the ladies at Central. All are welcome!


Foxtail Coffee: 201 Sanford Ave. Sanford Fl. 32771



Looking for a way to get connected? Join us for Discover Central! Discover is designed to intoduce you to Central's history, how it connects to your story, and how you can get involved. 


Hey young adults and college students this event is for you! Come join us for a night of worship and fellowship as we dive into God's word together.


Come and meet other Central Women at Foxtail Coffee in downtown Sanford. This is a great way to fellowship and get to know other women at Central. Can’t wait to see you there! All are welcome. 


Come and meet other Central Women at Foxtail Coffee in downtown Sanford. This is a great way to fellowship and get to know other women at Central. Can’t wait to see you there! All are welcome.